Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I was falling asleep earlier but I had to get up and now I don't want to lay back down. It's only friday and I am already sitting on go for friday. After I check in for the week with my p.o. hopefully someone will have some pills. I love eating hydros. So that will consume my mind for the next two nights.

Tomorrow I HAVE to remember to call felony registration. I registered along time ago but my p.o. could not find me. I shoild have walked back to his office and showed him exactly where to look. I just looked myself up the other day. Although they have not updated my info for awhile. So I was supposed to have already called to find out if I need to go up there.

My memory is soo bad, I have recently found out that it is proably due to all the xanax I used to wash down with copious amounts of alcohol. Apparently it really fucks up your memory. Mine is almost completely useless. I can't take xanax anymore, even without alcohol they make me really mean and violent.

We have talked about moving to Seattle after all my probation is done. I really hope we stick to it. I have to get out of the hell that is Florida. It's a fucking police state, it's pedo paradise, it's just fucked and I have always hated it. I have always beed drawn to large cities. I just know we can't stay here. Alot of our friends have gone to the west coast and they love it. I know I would too. Chad can make so much money up there. His buisness is just not doing well here and he is an extremely talented welder. When I go back into veterinary medicine, I can do so much better in a place like Seattle too. And we miss Chris, it would be nice to be there with him.


Anonymous said...

I'd bet a million dollars you will never work as a vet tech or anything else related to a vet office. You are a child abusing, drug addict, and a phone whore. You seem content with that so enjoy your miserable existence.

Melody Lee said...

Cheerful little maggot aren't you. I guess it makes you feel all warm inside to shit all over someone who is not only trying to do more in their life but has enough guts to be honest about things most people wouldn't dream of sharing. You are a credit to closeminded dipshits everywhere. Congratulations. Douchebag!

Carrion Doll said...

well anon, you may lose that million quickly hun. I am still in very close contact with the doctors I worked for previously and I am still working with 2 animal rescues. I am a damn good tech and will be once I am done with probation *smiles* My exsistence is actually the happiest it has ever been. I can party and still holsd a life together. Imagine that, a responsible drug addict. We do actually exist. Sorry you are green with envy that you can't party like me. Keep reading though as my blog seems to give you something to do. I am glad I can give you a place to berate someone to make your own pitiful exsistence meaning. YAY me! heehee ahhh my adoring fans. *flutters eyelashes*

Michelle said...

...your blog gives *me* something to do. Yours and a few others. :)

Remember baby, life is a hurricane (very appropriate for us Florida bitches) and stranger-hate is like a sparrow farting in the middle of it. No matter how bad it stinks, it'll be gone in a second without changing a thing.

Where in FL by the way? You ever hit the south side (I think we are called the palm coast)? Maybe when I have the kid and you are off house arrest, we can get together with our kids and whatever. Go to the beach and when the kids go to sleep, maybe think of something fun to do hah... just playing. But not really.


Anonymous said...

I am a damn good tech and will be once I am done with probation.

That's funny since you're already talking about getting strung out again when you get off probation. No job, shooting coke, being on probation-- yeah, sounds like a great existence.