Friday, August 17, 2012

Lil update

I have not yet jumped off the subs. My husband got me a few more so that I can take more time to taper. The more you can taper, the better. I know I have to pay my dues eventually. But I am working my ass off between the kids and the house and my actual job. Most days I am running on 3-5 hours of sleep. 

Work has been SLOW this week too. Sucks because we need money really bad. My husband finally gave up on his job. They are closing any day now. The bank note hasn't been paid, so his brother is just waiting for them to come force him out. Just trying to make what he can in the mean time. But my husband is barely getting any hours and I can make more money them him if he stays home with the kids and lets me log more hours online and taking calls. If I can manage some daytime hours instead of JUST overnights it will get me alot more regulars. So that's that.

I wanted to post a comment I made on a blog just because it explains some of what went on with the pain clinics here in Florida and I just didn't want to have to type all that out again to explain it here. This is an excellent blog. It is written by the father of a beautiful teenage girl who died from an overdose of prescription drugs. I have gotten comments from him and another blogger that...well IDK if I can explain how it truly makes me feel. I always think people like them. people who are just normal parents, regular people, look at people like me as dirty junkies that aren't worth the good air they breathe. They have shown me kindness and seem to truly care. That is more than I have gotten from most people in my life and it means ALOT. The other blogger is Jane. I put a link to her blog in my last post. Their kindness makes me want to try even harder to do this and win. Not alot of people in the world like them. They have lost their children. And I cannot for one instant, as a mother myself, imagine the pain. But instead of being bitter and angry (which I am sure there is some of that too but it doesn't rule them) they are doing something good. And they are helping people. By all rights, they should hate people like me. But they don't and they have reached out to me and that means so much.

Here are their blogs:

And the comment I made that tells some of what I experienced at the Florida pain clinics:
Not ALL doctors care. I am sure you have heard at least some of what has been going on where I am from, Florida. Of course they are now cracking down and leaving thousands of people with no help after helping them get addicted to a very powerful opiate. They (big pharma, our government, our doctors) unleashed this drug with NO regulations. They handed them out like candy. Up until recently, they had pain clinics on every corner. Jane, I believe it was you who had a post about Oxycontin Express? Excellent docu on what has been going on here. When I was still doing pills, I used to drive people to their doctors on occasion, it was just crazy! These “clinics” were open til 9-10pm, had armed thugs at the doors, accepted cash only payments and even filled scripts on site (for an extra charge on each pill of course). Retired doctors were paid good money to come out of retirement and write scripts (sell drugs) all day. The waiting rooms were filled with obvious junkies and dealers. People were making deals on their cell phones right in the waiting rooms! Then going out to their cars with scripts in hand and snorting pills right there in plain site. They were handing out up tp 400 oxy 30mg’s/month, usually with about 150 -15mg oxys, 60-80 xanax (a very dangerous combo with opiates) and sometimes even 10mg percosets. To 20 year old kids who didn’t have a thing wrong with them. To get in they would send you to these shady places to get a MRI once again, cash only payments. I mean I went with my husband to a warehouse with a MRI machine set up and guys with sub machine guns at the door. My hubby doesn’t use, he was just doing this to help my dealer get more pills to pay off my debt. Which I am very ashamed that I put him in that kind of risk to do. But that’s another story. I would see people go to 4 doctors a month and get the above meds prescribed. This went on for years. People would come from other states to get pills to take home and sell. I think that is the biggest reason they started cracking down, that and the amount of OD’s rose so high they could no longer ignore it. But law enforcement in other states started to notice and trying to do something. That brought attention to the whole deal.
With all that, people just didn’t have a chance. I mean I am all for taking responsibility for your actions. We are big boys and girls who made a decision to use and keep using. But I have seen naive people who had never touched a drug get caught up. They had no idea what they were being prescribed and they did have real illness and injuries. And until they were ready to get off their meds they had no idea what had happened to them. So yeah, some doctors care and just don’t know what to do. Or are too bogged down by HMO’s and government rules and patient loads, etc etc. But there are so many that just want that quick dollar as well and don’t care how many people they kill or how many lives they ruin. No one had any idea how bad these little pills were when they first hit. And it still floors me that they were not regulated in any way when they first hit the market."

Pure craziness whores, I tell you...


Anonymous said...

Hey there MH,
I just stopped by to see how you are doing and noticed this unbelievealbe compliment. Thanks so much, and of course I care! Wished we lived closer as I would love to hang with you. You're real, and not so many out there are very real.
Anyway, from the look of your blog I am guessing you are pretty savvy on the whole thing. Well, you wouldn't believe what happened to Matt's journal blog today. I get like maybe 40, 50, and weekends 90 hits. Lots of lookers and a few real people wander through. It's been really nice actually just meeting a few real people between the likes that just want a like back, (excuse the language, but this blog thing is sort of like a circle jerk to lots of bloggers. Someone will like my blog that has nothing to do with the topic at all. I say, No polite likes back. I digress). Anyway, the wierdest thing happened today, MH, I got over 500 hits! What's up with that? So, typical me, I got a bit paranoid, figured I needed to look more together, and tried out a bunch of themes. Yup, changed the theme. But, who can I ask to give me a review of it? I can't tell anyone as I am being extremely anonymous for the sake of Matt's friends; they are renamed, but it is sort of obvious. So, can I ask you for an honest "Do I look fat in this?" sort of look at it? I don't know why exactly, but I trust you. Probably because you are candid always, intelligent always, and articulate always. Could you just tell me if you like the new theme and any issues you have with it?
And, nice post on Memo's request for input. I read it twice to make sure I got the whole idea. You know, I have a bunch of people that post from Florida. I went there about 25 years ago: bunch of grey hairs was all I saw. Must have changed bunches. Reading your post I could easily invision today's world there, very good imagery. I could see the whole scene outside the clinics. I had absolutely no idea!
I am still rooting for you too. Just keep in mind the truth: you are competent, caring, compasionate, and in control of your own life. It's yours! Sieze the day and damn the torpedos!
Huge hugs,

Anonymous said...

I'm with you in your journey. I'm a recovering meth addict. used for 13 years sober for 5. I'm here and I'm with you.

chasing mikhaila

Carrion Doll said...

OMG, you guys are so nice. I don't see myself as any of those things, well sometimes I do but it's hard to REALLY believe. Jane, I wish we lived closer too! That would be so awesome. I already saw that you changed the theme before I read this. At first I didn't like it,lol. It seemed confusing. But when I really looked at it, it started to grow on me. Because you are posting his journals and you are posting the date that he wrote the entries in the title, it is easy to see the order they go in. Otherwise I would be kinda lost, the way it is set up. And I like that the first page you see when you go to the site is the "about" page. So that's the first thing new readers see. They will see what the blog is about and get the gist of the blog before they have to read any posts. Some blogs you have to read a few posts before you get what's going on.I was just a little confused at first because I was used to seeing it how it was before. But I do like it the new way. If you ever need any help, let me know. I learned all this blog stuff from my job.
I have worked in phone sex for going on 8 years with the same company. All female owned and operated.But we have to keep blogs and do ads for our characters that we play. So I have learned alot that way.
And thank you Memo, you guys are so great to me. It really means so much.