Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bit o' the ole cam whorin

My funeral attire.
                                             Dreads are getting sooo long now and sometimes a
                                                   huge pain in the bum. But I still love em.
I have lost about 30lbs this year. Actually I lost it all in February when I did a BIG drop in my suboxone dosage and got horrible anxiety. I could not eat, sleep or sit down for a month. I have kept it off by chasing around two toddlers,lol. I forget to eat for several hours and when I remember and make something, they come and eat it. The weight loss was good, but with it, went my boobs. I was a DD. After every pregnancy, my boobs got better and bigger. I would get back down to pre-pregnancy weight but have more boobage and they weren't saggy. They were great!! But now they are gone :( I am sure when my youngest two get a bit bigger and I am not running my ass off everyday I will put on a bit more weight, not too much tho. If that starts to happen then a gym will be in my future. But I do hope to get some boobs back. I was proud of them puppies. lol Guess you can't have it both ways damn it.


bugerlugs63 said...

Loving the Dreads Carrion. I have exactly the same "problem" just lost 16lbs (want to lose another 10) to get back to pre-kids shape . . . but included in that 16lbs were my boobs! :-( and like you, considering I'd had (and breast fed) four kids, they were in good shape . . . Ah well as they say over here, tough titties!
The only way of having it both ways is implants . . . Now, even if I had the money I don't reckon I could go through that . . . Don't quote me on that if I win the lottery though!
I gonna do a post in a bit. Those prozac are messing with me, think I will stop them. Gonna try and do a clean day today too . . . every day I start with such good intentions. AH well. LOve to you Carrion x x

Carrion Doll said...

Ugh, I hate prozac, it made me crazier than I already am!! lol And yeah, I have given some thought to getting the tits done myself...maybe...I am a bit scared of surgery.