Friday, July 25, 2008


Shelley hun you tend to seriously misunderstand me. I never said that it is anyones fault that we use. My meaning was that sometimes ppl could use support instead of being yelled and told they are a piece of shit. Especially if they are trying to get clean. And that ignoramt ppl just make this world worse- that is the short version of what I was trying to get across. I really don't feel like trying to explain myself again.

Secondly I dont care what ppl say about ME. I was not referring to MY OWN comments. I was referring to the comments ppl make on some of the other blogs I read. As a matter of fact I said that. There are some ppl I read on here who just need someone to say that they support them. My heart goes out to these girls and I want these assholes to know how ignorant they are and how much they fuck up the world. I have always had a habit of feeling like I have to stick up for other ppl.

And I like answering comments so if anonymous is going to leave some ignorance I am going to give my opinion on it. But like I said, I dont like to see them being mean to some of the other girls I read.

Libby- thats exactly right.


Michelle said...

Point taken- it is your blog, and if you want to use it as a forum for bitching at anonymous haters, that is your choice and no one elses. I write whatever the hell I want, why shouldn't you? Sorry for being a blog nazi! :) I just think that you shouldn't put soooo much energy and time into talking shit about haters who can't even be creative in their shit-talking. I respond to the meanies too, so I guess I have no room to talk. One thing though- if you are really and truly looking for support and love, posting about shooting up online is not the best way to accomplish that. If you write whatever you want (and more power to you for continuing!!) you will get all sorts of comments: supportive, helpful, pseudo-helpful, kind, ignorant, cruel, creative, and boring. It's all good!
Here is the way I look at it- if this helps you, good! If this doesn't help you, ignore! This anonymous hater/troll loves to read our blogs. Loves to! He has been leaving similar comments (ex: "stupid junky whore" "you will never amount to anything you dumb piece of shit" "your baby would be better off dead" "white trash bitch" etc) for damn close to a YEAR now. That means that he must care at least slightly. I have almost 6000 hits since March 15th of this year. That means that almost 6000 times, people take the time out of their busy lives to read about MY life! Sometimes they like what I do and say, sometimes not- but either way, it makes me feel good inside and popular and special! Hooray for blog hits! Sometimes, these folks can't even get on with their day until they say something to me. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad what they have to say, what matters is that, in the case of "anon", he keeps coming back for more.

I say, keep it up and I'm sorry if I misunderstood you but I can't help but speak my mind. Do the same baby, and fuck the haters!


Michelle said...

One more thing about the supportive thing you were talking about:

When I was still getting high without thinking about stopping at any point, the haters said stuff like "quit the drugs bitch, you are nothing but a junkie, might as well kill yoruself, blah blah blah".

When I decided I was gonna stop getting high because of the baby, the haters said stuff like "you'll never be able to stop, maybe for a week then you'll be right back on the needle, don't bother to lie to us, you can never ever stay clean cause you're just junky trash".

When I continued to stay clean (5 months now!) the haters said stuff like "when the kid is born you'll be right back where you started, 5 months isn't that much of an accomplishment, you are useless, your kid is better off dead."

I wonder what they will say when I stay clean after she is born? Basically what I am saying is, you can't win with these assholes. No matter what you say now, there will be people who don't like it and feel obligated to let you know how much they don't like it. But in my case, the fact that I'm doing good is a better argument than anything I could respond with. Just do what you do and let everyone else have their say- it's our right! That's why these blogs exist! Speak your mind, let the haters hate and the lovers love and do whatever the hell makes you happy!!! :) :)